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What is Active Learning? 4 Active Learning Strategies That Dibber Educators Use in Their Daily Work with Children.

Active learning goes beyond just sitting and listening; it involves preschoolers actively participating, engaging, and collaborating with their peers. In this approach, educators use role plays, discussions, and other interactive techniques to bring the lessons to life. The goal of active learning is to help children understand concepts from new perspectives and retain information in a fun and memorable way, rather than relying on rote memorization.

Benefits of Active Learning Strategies

1. Boosting Retention 

Active learning is all about getting your young ones involved in the learning process. When children actively engage with what they’re learning—whether it's through talking, playing, or hands-on activities—they’re more likely to remember it. This is because these activities make learning more personal and enjoyable, turning it into a fun and memorable experience. Instead of just listening or watching, they’re doing, which helps them hold on to what they’ve learned much longer.

2. Improved Critical Thinking 

Active learning also helps children develop critical thinking skills. Instead of just taking in information, they learn to think about it deeply, ask questions, and solve problems. This way of learning encourages them to analyze and make decisions, skills that are important in all areas of life. Whether they're exploring stories, doing science experiments, or learning about the world around them, active learning helps them grow into thoughtful and curious individuals.

3. Collaboration 

Active learning strategies are all about teamwork and having fun together! When children work on group activities, they learn how to share, take turns, and listen to each other, which helps them build strong social skills. It's like practicing how to be a good friend and work well with others—a skill that's useful in every part of life!

4. Increasing Engagement 

Active learning keeps young explorers excited and engaged. Fun, hands-on activities spark their curiosity and make learning feel like an adventure. With all the interesting things to do, there's no chance for boredom—they're too busy having fun and learning at the same time!

4 Ways to Promote Active Learning Strategies in Preschools and Nurseries 

Now that we understand what active learning is and how beneficial it can be, let's explore some active learning strategies for implementing this engaging approach!

1. Role-playing the Concepts 

Role-playing is a fantastic way to bring active learning into the classroom! Imagine your child stepping into the shoes of a character, whether it’s a doctor, a teacher, or even a superhero. Through this fun activity, they don’t just play pretend—they learn empathy, understand different perspectives, and get a feel for real-world situations. Plus, it’s a terrific way to boost their cognitive, emotional, physical, and language skills all at once. It’s like giving their imagination and development a super boost!

2. Think-Pair-Share 

Think-Pair-Share is one of the incredible active learning strategies to get children to work together and learn from each other. First, they think about a question or problem on their own, which helps them gather their thoughts. Then, they pair up with a friend to share their ideas and hear someone else's perspective. Finally, they share their combined insights with the whole group. This activity not only encourages teamwork and communication but also allows children to reflect on what they've learned in a fun, engaging way! 

3. Group Projects 

As the name suggests, group projects get learners working together toward a common goal. Through these projects, children learn to be patient and adjust to different working styles. For some, teamwork comes naturally, while others might find it a bit challenging. But learning to socialize and collaborate is an important life skill that’s great to pick up early on!

4. Debates  

Debates are another way for children to test their thinking skills and express themselves. In a debate, learners learn to research, separate facts from opinions, and present their arguments thoughtfully. It’s also a great confidence booster for those who are learning to speak up, helping them learn how to stay composed and respectful when sharing their views. Debates encourage learners to consider both sides of an issue, sharpening their analytical skills and their ability to think on their own feet.

Dibber International Preschool and Nurseries promotes active learning through its Scandinavian curriculum where we follow child-led learning approaches. We blend play and learning seamlessly, encouraging our young explorers to discover & experiment. 

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