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7 Ways to Strengthen Your Child’s Social Skills

As humans, we are all social animals. We are born with innate skills and although they are raw during our formative years, the adults around us help us hone those skills. Mastering the art of socializing is like learning to be a ninja – it takes practice! But fear not, children need time and guidance for building friendships, dealing with playground drama, and being social explorers.

Now, if your child runs away at the sight of another person, refuses to play with children, or prefers the company of just mom and dad, let’s think about a few tricks to help them step out and become eloquent social butterflies.


1. Cultivating Their Interests 

Children love diving into activities they adore. Whether it is their beloved sport, jamming on their favorite instrument, or diving into a club they are passionate about, their interest is key to creating long-lasting social experiences. While mixing and mingling with everyone is essential, starting with someone they trust (parents or siblings) will help them interact with ease and build self-confidence. We can then slowly introduce others to join them in their favorite activities to encourage cooperation. 


2. Asking Questions to Encourage Conversation 

When the chatter slows down, Children might feel a bit shy to speak up. But you can break that shyness in one easy step! We at Dibber International Preschools and Nurseries have a few tricks up our sleeves. It is all in the questions! Ask your toddler a question and let them delve deeply into the answer. Remember, ask questions that unlock stories, not just a simple nod or shake. This is the key to making conversations happen effortlessly, and one of the most effective strategies for social development. 


3. Engaging in Fun Role-playing Activities 

Role play is an incredible activity to inculcate play-based learning for social skills. Have you tried having fun with empathy tasks or asking your child, "How does it make you feel?" Simple games like interviewing them as famous characters can open a whole new world of understanding. Dress-ups, toys, or even a small tea party can transform into delightful social skill workshops. After all, being a princess, pirate, or clown isn’t just fun—it is a way to socialize! 


4. Catering to Your Child’s Emotions 

Each child dances to their own social tune. Some children shine in bustling crowds, while others prefer quieter spaces. It is like finding their perfect rhythm in a big orchestra! Embrace their pace, honor their comfort zones, and let them waltz through social learning at their own tempo. Just like learning to crawl before taking those confident strides, these baby steps pave the way for bigger social adventures ahead. 


5. Working on Becoming a Good Role Model 

It is easy to overlook, but your role as a social role model for your child is incredibly powerful. You are their social compass, and it is your responsibility to guide them to be a social star! For instance, if you can strike up conversations easily or display how exciting being in a group can be, your child will naturally veer towards similar behaviors. 


6. Building Emotional Intelligence in Kids 

Knowledge is indeed power, especially when it comes to emotions and social skills. As parents, we're more than just caregivers; we are mentors, guides, and role models for our offsprings. Teaching them the distinction between positive and negative emotions is fundamental. Keep emotions distinct. Maintain composure when addressing their wrong habits and using words to express your feelings. Sharing your emotions during various moments can help them understand that feeling like crying can occur out of happiness as much as it does out of sadness. It's all about building an emotional vocabulary after all, isn’t it? 


7. Taking It Up a Notch with Higher Level Social Skills 

Developing advanced social skills such as negotiation, conflict resolution, assertiveness, non-verbal communication, and public speaking is crucial as your child grows. Parents and caregivers play a prominent role in supporting children with social challenges. Encourage storytelling and speaking in front of friends and family and emphasize the use of body language during communication. Introduce negotiations when giving them treats or toys and encourage them to articulate their perspectives. These are life skills utilized in the workplace and honing them during childhood sets a solid foundation for their future. 


Enhancing social skills in children will strengthen their future friendships and relationships. Encouraging positive social interactions can help them in overcoming social anxiety and foster empathy and understanding. So, are we ready to mix learning with fun? Sprinkle in some giggles and watch as they navigate the playground of life with confidence and kindness!

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